Katie & Will | Engagement

Another UVA couple, yay! :) We really lucked out with an absolutely beautiful (only slightly chilly) Sunday afternoon at Great Falls Park. They brought their beautiful dog Lia with them, too, and she made for some super cute portraits. It was actually Katie’s birthday, so I was honored that they chose to spend their afternoon snapping some lovely pictures with me. 

B. Lindi Photography & Fam!

Not too long ago, my beautiful cousin living in Indiana asked me to tell her about cameras... and today she is running her own successful photography business. I only get to visit my family there about once a year, so we got one evening to spend together, but we did manage to squeeze in a cute little photo sesh of her and her adorable family. You can check out her work on Facebook. :)

Ryana & Jonathan | Engagement

First DC engagement session and I was instantly in love with everything about this shoot! And I met this beauty in my first photo class I took in college at UVA, so this session is near and dear to my heart. 

Ryana and Jonathan met in their first semester of their first year at UVA because they lived in the same dorm (go old dorms!), and they’ve been rocking it in the cutest-couple department ever since. As a nod to their origins, we started out at the Jefferson Memorial on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and the light was absolutely stunning. These two were such a pleasure to photograph - I just can’t get over how lovely they are. 

Danielle & Darren | Married

Absolutely gorgeous and intimate wedding out near Winchester I assisted Vicki Grafton Photography on back in early June. I instantly fell in love with Danielle’s Sara Seven dress and it’s still been my favorite I’ve seen this year. Here’s a sneak peek of their beautiful day!